Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Invitation: Blog here!

I hereby invite all attendees at the IAU General Assembly to join this blog and write about their impressions and thoughts during this meeting. This site would become much more interesting, if we could become a group of serveral people from different fields of astronomy that attend different parts of the conference.

I suppose the only practical mode of operation is that you have your own laptop and make use of the wireless network that is supposed to exist in the conference center. That is my own intention anyway.

To be able to write here, you simply write an email to me (tmarqar (at) astro.uu.se) and ask for invitation. Then you will get an email that lets you create an account at Blogger.com (if you do not already have one) and become added to this blog. Then you are ready to publish here.

Looking forward to your emails!


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